Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oracle 11g: Windows could not start the OracleDBConsoleorcl on Local Computer

I was using the Oracle 11g in my Windows 7 Professional system for few days..  Suddenly, I was not able to use the sql developer to connect the schema/user.

I found that the Oracle... services were down in the Windows services windows.

a) Oracle ORCL VSS Writer Service - running
b) OracleDBConsoleorcle - not running
c) OracleJobSchedulerORCL - not running
d) OracleServiceORCL - not running

When I started the OracleDBConsoleoracle, it thrown a error "Windows could not start the OracleDBConsoleorcl on Local Computer".

(Below solution is worked for me, based on the various fo rum threads)...

a. go to C:\.......\product\11.1.0\db_1\oc4j\j2ee
b. copy paste the folder: OC4J_DBConsole_192.168.x.y_orcl, two times
c. rename one of the two new folder as OC4J_DBConsole_localhost_orcl
d) rename the other one as OC4J_DBConsole__orcl

after making these changes and a reboot, it started to running.........

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Oracle11g Failure IO exception: The Network Adapter could not establish

Today,  I have installed Oracle 11g enterprise in my Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit machine.   Oracle server and sql developer are in the same machine.

When I tried to connect the User Scott through SQL Developer,
I gave these details:
Hostname: localhost
Port: 1521
SID: orcl
 I got the error, Status: Failure -Io exception.   The Network Adapter could not establish.....

I have tried few steps provided in other blogs, forums, no use....

But when checked the tnsnames.ora,

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

I used these details for connection, it is working fine....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spatial Join with two line data

I have two shape files from a vendor, one is two years and the other is very new one (same geography).  In the old one, i have added few columns and most of the rows are updated.

I wanted to replace the old one with the new one, i have to bring those added columns with values into this new one.  
a) The unique id given in the two data are not matching
b) the geometry is not matching,
c) Old line data is having 0.2 millions

I tried with spatial join (intersect, closest) in arcmap 9.3, but it end up with wrong joins or missed joins..

I have tried the following,
a) convert the new line feature into a point feature ( need arcinfo license),
b) create a buffer of the old data - line feature
        this buffer distance should be fine tuned, to cover the new line feature, mostly it will be manual decision
c) intersect these two data
d) now you will get the intersected points with the attributes from the old one.
e) do join this intersected file with the new one based on the unique id

Sunday, June 5, 2011

ArcGIS Desktop has encountered a serious problem.. needs to close

I have faced "ArcGIS desktop has encountered a serious problem..." in Windows XP and Windows 7.  I have tried with ArcGIS 9.3.1 and ArcGIS 10, same issue..

Finally, the issue was with the monitoring tool installed in those machines..  These montioring tools blocking the arcmap.exe, arccatalog.exe.   After making exclusion flags in the monitoring tools, it is working fine.......   

Sunday, March 6, 2011

cannot open - HTTP Status 404 /arcgis/rest: The requested resource (/arcgis/rest/) is not available

I recently faced this issue in ArcGIS Server Java 931.  I have installed server 931 and tested the REST services, it was working fine.

But the next day, i am not sure what happened or change in the server machine.  If I hit the

It is showing "Not available".. in the error log (..prgfiles/arcgis/, it shows the following error as Sever
e "cannot open".

I tried all the suggestions given in the ESRI site, nothing working.. Finally, I did post install once again, now it is working.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Batch geocoding using Google or Yahoo.. Free service

This site provides option to give comma / tab separated addresses to do geocode.  It does bulk geocoding of 1000 addresses at a time.

Also, it allows to select the geocode service - Google or Yahoo.

It provides output as longitude, latitude, standardised address, geocode level (street, address, city, zip et.,)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

TeleAtlas Multinet - Merging NA gecoding files.

TeleAtlas Multinet version provides the geocoding shapes for all states in US and Canada.  I merged around 5 gc shp files.. but the results in the attributes were not merged properly.  The attribute data are mixed with different columns.

My friend suggested me to create a File Geodatabase through Catalog and then try to merge all gc shp files of North America............   It worked fine..... no issue after merging and compressed well...

From the ESRI sites, it seems that the shape file has the limitation of 2GB..

Anyhow, I learned a new thing, and thought share with you all......

Andrew Ng machine learning course

Hi, I was failing in the week 2 quiz - Machine learning course in, especially in one of the question which has multiple opti...