Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oracle 11g: Windows could not start the OracleDBConsoleorcl on Local Computer

I was using the Oracle 11g in my Windows 7 Professional system for few days..  Suddenly, I was not able to use the sql developer to connect the schema/user.

I found that the Oracle... services were down in the Windows services windows.

a) Oracle ORCL VSS Writer Service - running
b) OracleDBConsoleorcle - not running
c) OracleJobSchedulerORCL - not running
d) OracleServiceORCL - not running

When I started the OracleDBConsoleoracle, it thrown a error "Windows could not start the OracleDBConsoleorcl on Local Computer".

(Below solution is worked for me, based on the various fo rum threads)...

a. go to C:\.......\product\11.1.0\db_1\oc4j\j2ee
b. copy paste the folder: OC4J_DBConsole_192.168.x.y_orcl, two times
c. rename one of the two new folder as OC4J_DBConsole_localhost_orcl
d) rename the other one as OC4J_DBConsole__orcl

after making these changes and a reboot, it started to running.........


  1. Hi..
    I cannot start sde service ,when i check the sde.log file i see this error:
    10.2 geodatabase
    DB_open_instance()::db_connect (OCI8) error: -1
    init_DB DB_instance_open_as_dba: -51
    DBMS error code: -1
    I am using oracle 10g and arcsde10.2


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