Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Could not start ArcSDE -- Check Network, $SDEHOME disk, DBMS settings.

I have tried to install ArcSDE 9.3 in Windows XP machine, while starting the service I got this error.  In the ESRI site, the windows xp is not listed as supported OS for ArcSDE.

-- update on 11th june 2012.  actually the issue was with the oracle client.  Today, I installed oracle 10g 10.2 Run time components option  (out of four options, -instant client, administrator, run time components, customer) in the installer option.

I installed in Windows 2003/windows 7 machine, Oracle Client 10.2 and ArcSDE 9.3, 9.3.1, and patch file.  It got installed without any problem and I was able to start the service.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

BareTail - A free real-time log file monitoring tool

Easy way to monitor the ArcGIS server health.  I came across a new tool called "BareTail".

It is one of the good free tool to read the ArcGIS server logs....

It is very easy to monitor the server logs using this tool..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Batch - Network analysis using Arcmap and NA extension

I faced a problem in performing batch process for 50k pairs of addresses (lat.long), to find the driving distance.   I have got a good input for this task,

The above forum link explains how to achieve bulk process in a single click.....

I tried with 50k address sets, ArcMap is able to do process without any issue.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Batch - find Driving distance.

I have explored one more Excel based Add-ins.

This tools helps to find Driving distance (also it provides a lot of other functionalities) based on the start and end addresses.  It consumes Microsoft MapPoint Services.

Just a few clicks we can do find driving distances for hundreds of addresses.

Note:  This requires installation of MapPoint, but there is no need of any configurations.  It is very simple to use. I highly recommend this tool for batch network analysis.

Batch geocoder based on Excel inputs

I have used this tool today to do geocode in a single click.  This is an excellent tool.  It provides two different address locators, so we can fine tune the output.

It also provides the level of geocoding like address level, zip level, state level and "not found"..

I recommend this tool ........

Excel Geocoding Tool v2

I'm happy to announce a few small revisions to our Excel geocoding tool. The tool takes a list of addresses and will look up the latitude and longitude of those addresses. The addresses can then be exported as a Google Earth map.
A user pointed out that the tool wasn't looking up zip+4 codes properly in Yahoo and this problem is fixed along. Also, I'm sorry to report that Yahoo has lowered their limit of free geocodes to 5,000 per day from 50,000 per day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Geocoding and TeleAtlas data

Recently, I created the Geocoding service for NA using ArcCatalog.  While doing validation with Google maps, I faced a lot of "bugs"/"issues", the output is not matching with the Google's output.

Cities are not matching for most of the cities in Canada.

use L_Laxon as city for Canada and L_City for US

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Google maps data discrepancy

Today, I have seen an interesting map discrepancy in the Google Maps when compared with Bing maps and MapQuest for a particular lat/long.

You could see the hwy 90 in different road segment in Google.

But Google is already informing about these.. by showing the "more info" option
"We currently do not support the location 34.71696, -114.48750"

So, please avoid search in those regions.

Note: I am facing some issue in uploading the images in blogspot.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Before creating new services

It is always better to check the mxd files by opening in the ArcMap. Check is there any breakage of links of the map data and source.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ArcGIS 9.3.1 MXD Path Editor Patch

Last month, I have installed the ArcGIS 9.3.1 Server (Java Platform). I checked the ArcGIS Manager, Server Object Manager, SOC monitor were running properly. I have stopped all these services, I applied the ArcGIS 9.3.1 MXD Path Editor Patch on the ArcGIS9.3.1. The services were started running properly.

When I opened the ArcGIS Manager web apps, It was showing page cannot be displayed. I realised that the ArcGIS Manager service stopped running. I manually started started, but it stopped automatically in a minute.

Run the repair option of ArcGIS server for Java in the control panel.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Test environment:
I have created the virtual directory for map server (cache) as ""

While running the java application i am getting in the source of the page as
I am able to see the map tiles in the web.

QA environment.
Similarly i have given the virtual directory as ""

But in the web page source i am getting "EsriMapSourceTile("http://esritomcat:8080/ServiceHandler/...." Also, it is showing the blank screen.


Check the host file entry.. there should be an entry of in the host file.. (c:\windows\systesm32\drivers\etc)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ArcCatalog Crashes

Sometimes, after making changes in the server directories through ArcGIS Manager, the arccatalog could not show the Server properties - Parameters tab. It will crash.

The better the way is to recreate the particular services.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Changing the location of mapcache

a) You may need to post install with domain account
b) any machine could have the cache, but the domain account should have access to that machine.. give full rights to the domain account for that map cache folder
c) one time cache creation is enough, you could move anywhere.
e) use unified naming convention to access the map cache folder (\\machine2\arcgisserver\arcgiscache)
d) use arcgis server manager to change the cache directories.. dont use arccatalog
e) but ensure that the map cache directory are addeded in the server using arccatalog.

For more help, ping me

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Server object instance creation failed on all SOC machines.


I have received this error, even after giving full access to ArcGISSOM/SOC/ArcGISWebservices to the folder where the mxd and data are stored and arcgisserver folder. Also, provided the sharing of those folders.

"Unable to start service test : Server object instance creation failed on all SOC machines. Server Object instance creation failed on machine name. PMF Document D:\test.mxd can not be opened."


Adding ArcGISSOM/SOC to the Administrator group.

Andrew Ng machine learning course

Hi, I was failing in the week 2 quiz - Machine learning course in, especially in one of the question which has multiple opti...