Monday, October 25, 2010

Before creating new services

It is always better to check the mxd files by opening in the ArcMap. Check is there any breakage of links of the map data and source.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ArcGIS 9.3.1 MXD Path Editor Patch

Last month, I have installed the ArcGIS 9.3.1 Server (Java Platform). I checked the ArcGIS Manager, Server Object Manager, SOC monitor were running properly. I have stopped all these services, I applied the ArcGIS 9.3.1 MXD Path Editor Patch on the ArcGIS9.3.1. The services were started running properly.

When I opened the ArcGIS Manager web apps, It was showing page cannot be displayed. I realised that the ArcGIS Manager service stopped running. I manually started started, but it stopped automatically in a minute.

Run the repair option of ArcGIS server for Java in the control panel.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Test environment:
I have created the virtual directory for map server (cache) as ""

While running the java application i am getting in the source of the page as
I am able to see the map tiles in the web.

QA environment.
Similarly i have given the virtual directory as ""

But in the web page source i am getting "EsriMapSourceTile("http://esritomcat:8080/ServiceHandler/...." Also, it is showing the blank screen.


Check the host file entry.. there should be an entry of in the host file.. (c:\windows\systesm32\drivers\etc)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ArcCatalog Crashes

Sometimes, after making changes in the server directories through ArcGIS Manager, the arccatalog could not show the Server properties - Parameters tab. It will crash.

The better the way is to recreate the particular services.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Changing the location of mapcache

a) You may need to post install with domain account
b) any machine could have the cache, but the domain account should have access to that machine.. give full rights to the domain account for that map cache folder
c) one time cache creation is enough, you could move anywhere.
e) use unified naming convention to access the map cache folder (\\machine2\arcgisserver\arcgiscache)
d) use arcgis server manager to change the cache directories.. dont use arccatalog
e) but ensure that the map cache directory are addeded in the server using arccatalog.

For more help, ping me

Andrew Ng machine learning course

Hi, I was failing in the week 2 quiz - Machine learning course in, especially in one of the question which has multiple opti...